Hello, I'm Eva Feillet.

Welcome on my homepage!

I am a PhD candidate in Frugal Continual Learning at CEA-list / CentraleSupélec MICS in Paris area, France. I am working under the supervision of Dr. Adrian Popescu (CEA-list), Dr. Marina Reyboz (CEA-list) and Pr. Céline Hudelot (CentraleSupélec MICS).
I hold an engineering degree from CentraleSupélec Engineering school (M.Sc. in AI).

My previous work experiences include a research internship on Federated Learning at CEA list in France, and data science internships at IBM Research & Development in Germany and CA-CIB data lab in Singapore.

My current research interests include :
- Computer vision
- Continual learning, with focus on class-incremental learning
- Semantic aspects in computer vision
- Resource-efficient training of deep neural networks
- Learning from few data

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Learn more about my work


Contributions made during my PhD.

WACV 2024

Feillet, E., Petit, G., Soumm M., Popescu, Delezoïde, B., Picard, D., & Hudelot, C.
An Analysis of Initial Traning Strategies for Exemplar-free Class-Incremental Learning.

In: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision. 2024. p. 1837-1847.

[paper] [supp]

WACV 2023

Feillet, E., Petit, G., Popescu, A., Reyboz, M., & Hudelot, C.
AdvisIL - A Class-Incremental Learning Advisor.

In: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision. 2023. p. 2400-2409.

[paper] [supp] [code]

RFIAP 2022

Feillet, E., Petit, G., Popescu, A., Reyboz, M., & Hudelot, C.
Incremental Learning under Memory Constraints: a scaling heuristic for deep convolutional models.

In : Reconnaissance des Formes, Image, Apprentissage et Perception. 2022.

[paper] [code]


Submitted papers under review.


Feillet, E., Petit, G., Popescu, A., & Hudelot, C.
A reality check on pre-training for exemplar-free class-incremental learning


Feillet, E., Popescu, A., & Hudelot, C.
Recommendation of data-free class-incremental learning algorithms by simulating future data.



Pegeot, T., Feillet, E., Popescu, A., Kucher I., & Delezoïde B.
Temporal Dynamics in Visual Data: Analyzing the Impact of Time on Classification Accuracy


Participation to events

Attended conferences, workshops and seminars.

JDSE 2021

Junior Conference on Data Science and Engineering.
Gif-sur-Yvette (France), September 2021.
Best student paper.

Available projects and repositories.

Visit my GitHub account.

Get in touch.

Send me an email at name.surname@cea.fr or find me on social media.

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