Hello, I'm Eva Feillet.
I am currently a postdoctoral researcher in frugal deep learning at Université Paris-Dauphine.
I am working with Pr. Alexandre Allauzen in the MILES team of LAMSADE laboratory.
I am part of the SHARP research project, funded by the France 2030 program managed by the ANR in the context of PEPR IA.
I did my PhD in continual learning at CEA-list / CentraleSupélec MICS in Paris area, France.
During my PhD, I worked under the direction of Pr. Céline Hudelot (CentraleSupélec MICS).
and I was also supervised by
Dr. Adrian Popescu (CEA-list) and
Dr. Marina Reyboz (CEA-list).
I hold an engineering degree from CentraleSupélec Engineering school (M.Sc. in AI).
My previous work experiences include a research internship on Federated Learning at CEA list in France, and data science internships at IBM Research & Development in Germany and CA-CIB data lab in Singapore.
My current research interests include :
- Resource-efficient training of deep neural networks
- Visual representation learning and semantic aspects in computer vision
- Speech processing
Current affiliation : LAMSADE (Miles team), Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, Paris, France.
Send me an email at name.surname@dauphine.psl.eu.
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